Tag Archives | social media

The Hanslow Theorem – Or why users choose not to act

So this one is mine. And it’s a little more refined than some of my other musings. But it’s pretty widespread. The Hanslow theorem is: If ((Tc < Bp) then (Rv > Tc) = A) else (Tc <= Pc) = A) People choose to act only when the reward for action is greater than the […]

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Your content is not yours

It’s a fairly standard term for social networks/content sharing sites. You hand over rights to the site when you enter text, upload an image etc. They’re all specific about not taking your copyright. Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, Instagram are all explicit that your content is yours, you are just granting a global, irrevocable license for them […]

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The illusions of social media

Social media is a fairly new concept. It’s exceptionally new geologically speaking, and even as far as mankind goes it’s a drop in the ocean of time. We’ve been doing things for a long time; we built pyramids, we mapped the surface of most of the planet before we could even fly, and we sent […]

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The customer is always right

The most often quoted and the most incorrect statement in customer service. And it turns out years later it’s the most accurate. For years we’ve thrown this statement at one another, refused and denied it. Yelled it from the rooftops and raged at every manager, CEO and executive who used it as a battlecry to […]

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See us on Facebook

Lots of businesses advertise their facebook presence. A lot also fail to share the URL. “See us on Facebook for special offers!”. For a large brand this will work perfectly, but if you share a name internationally, or you’re a more local business you could be asking people to search for “Joe’s Plumbing” and instead […]

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