Tag Archives | community management

The Hanslow Theorem – Or why users choose not to act

So this one is mine. And it’s a little more refined than some of my other musings. But it’s pretty widespread. The Hanslow theorem is: If ((Tc < Bp) then (Rv > Tc) = A) else (Tc <= Pc) = A) People choose to act only when the reward for action is greater than the […]

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The key to improvement? Teach.

I attended Swarm a couple of weeks ago. As a speaker not a guest, which was an interesting and fascinating experience, and one I’ll blog about in the next few weeks. I’ve taught before, training groups, mentored people through photography, written tutorials etc. But I had never been to a conference as a speaker/workshop presenter […]

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It’s about love…

As a community manager, what we do is about changing how people feel. And we’re not going to go into more details on that now. What we are going to look at, is me deciding to change how people feel. But specific people. Don’t get me wrong I love my community dearly ( we launched […]

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